Jeden Tag eine Kunst- Überraschung!
– what a wonderful idea –
In the nineteenth century the drawing rose in the estimation of the art world. Collectors became increasingly interested in the medium, and fragmentary, incomplete linear compositions were considered particularly appealing and aesthetic. A transformation occurred: the drawing was no longer thought of as a preliminary study or a sketch, but as an artistic genre of its own. The line developed into the artist’s handwriting, as it were, and a profound exploration of this creative means began. „LINE – creation and reduction (Bromer Galerie)“ weiterlesen
Albert Anker, Cuno Amiet, Ernest Biéler, Ignaz Epper, Stéphanie Guerzoni, Rudolf Häsler, Erich Heckel, Damien Hirst, Richard Long, Albert Müller, Heinz Mack, Dirk Salz, Rudolf Urech-Seon, Hildegard Weber-Lipsi, u.a.